Our Services

BJA Solutions engagements typically run from three months to one year depending on the needs of our clients. Below is an outline of the three most common types of engagements though your specific needs will be used to develop a customized proposal for your organization. 

All services keep a firm focus on the association’s mission, values, and culture. Because culture eats strategy for breakfast (thank you, Peter Drucker), BJA Solutions also offers coaching for in-house staff to help deliver stronger revenue performances without increasing workload.

In addition, we serve as a reliable, ethical resource when colleagues seek to connect with consultants, vendors, and services in the association community. 


Ideal for an association that is just beginning to explore nondues revenue. We’ll collaborate to take either your first steps to diversify revenue or to find new, unrestricted funds for essential operations and other needs. 


  • Each recommendation report is unique, and may include, for example, event-based sponsorships, year-round partner programs, updated advertising plans, and/or refreshed affinity programs. 
  • Recommendations are synced with available on-staff resources who will “own” the program after launch. 
  • 6–9 month engagement; flat-fee quoted after discovery conversation.


Your association has already done a first (or second round) of nondues revenue implementation but you’re sure you can do more or be more efficient with your current tactics.

  • We’ll review your association’s existing revenue from many angles to develop a cohesive strategy to tie future earnings into one sustainable plan.
  • Though often built from scratch, this may repurpose the association’s existing or dormant sponsor/advertiser programs. 
  • Full exploration of existing services and opportunities followed by setting value/cost strategies, then nurture and recruit initial partners; final stage is coaching inhouse staff to carry the program forward.
  • 8–12 month engagement; flat-fee quoted after discovery conversation.


If your association has consistent nondues revenue foundations and pillars already in place, you might be a good candidate for our Capstone program. We’ll take you from stagnancy to growth and help your program achieve its full value.


  • This service analyzes and recommends carefully placed finishing touches that can boost the totals without increasing staff.
  • 3–9 month engagement; flat-fee quoted after discovery conversation.


“thank you for the shout out! You did a great job facilitating that conversation👍😊.”

~ Cecilia (Blanke) Sepp, CAE, CNP
Principal & Founder @ Rogue Tulips Consulting

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